Saturday, April 10, 2010

Not-So-Wild Turkeys

There's a large flock of wild turkeys in our part of the woods, but you wouldn't know they were wild. The neighbors have turkeys of their own, and the two flocks have become good acquaintances. Mainly because she throws feed out for her turkeys, chickens and peacocks, and the wild turkeys come and help themselves.

It's fun to watch them in the Spring when they gather in our yard, pecking for tidbits in the grass. The males strut around like they're really something, and the females don't give them the slightest satisfaction of noticing them. It's hard to get very close, but here are a few shots I took recently of our emergency food storage - Uh, I mean wild turkeys! It's only through-the-window quality, but I hope you enjoy them.


 It's interesting how their heads turn blue and their "snood" comes out to hang over their beaks. Yes, that is it's official name!



  The feathers are absolutely beautiful in the sun!


  1. Beautiful pics of your food on the foot! ;)

  2. One thing I found out that was cool, is that they can actually fly for short distances...enough to get up to a high tree for the night. At least, the wild ones, anyway.

  3. You're right Joe. They do. I don't know where our flock roosts, but the flock near my parents (about 10 miles from my house) flaps up into the trees behind their house every night. They're really awkward and I've watched some of them miss their target branch and have to make several "runs"! Yet sometimes we'll see them way up in the very top of really tall trees. Interesting birds.

  4. do they make good free range turkey soup?

  5. Ha Ha! I'm sure they do Sarah! I was told that Turkey Season (hunting) opened here 2 days ago. You have to obtain a permit, and they're limited. The turkeys, bears and wolves are pretty well monitored and protected around here. The fox and Cougars used to be heavily protected also. Now we are over-run with both!

  6. Gorgeous photos! The ones I took yesterday were my first ever of the strut. I was so excited since I had never seen this before and just this past weekend I told my partner that I need to find this as we traveled some likely places coming up empty. It was a great day!

  7. Thank you. I have been enjoying your wildlife shots. I've lived in the "woods" my whole life and I am an avid nature lover! I'm glad you got to watch a "strut". They are such interesting birds to watch, for sure!

  8. I love how these wild turkeys have become so comfortable around people.



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